Q: How do you remove and replace the rear drive shaft and wheel bearings on BMW 2500?
A: To remove the rear drive shaft, raise the car and support it safely on floor stands, then remove the road wheel and detach the outer end of the drive shaft from the stub axle flange, tying it away from the work area to avoid straining the universal joint. Lift out the locking plate, remove the flanged nut, and pull off the drive flange. For models with disc brakes, detach the caliper without disconnecting the fluid pipe and support it safely, while for drum brake models, remove the brake drum. To remove the stub axle, screw the flanged nut back onto the axle until flush to protect the threads, then drive out the stub axle with a soft-faced hammer, detach it completely, and check the spacer ring for wear or damage, renewing if necessary. If removing wheel bearings, avoid contamination of brake components, use a suitable drift to drive out the outer bearing and seal, then remove the spacer sleeve and inner bearing in a similar manner, discarding the seals. Both wheel bearings must be renewed if either is worn or damaged, with a recommendation to renew them approximately every 60,000 miles (100,000 km) regardless of condition, using replacement bearings marked C3. When installing new wheel bearings, determine the required thickness for the inner bearing spacer and install the correct spacer. Drive the outer bearing fully into place, measure the distance between the bearing and hub shoulder, and calculate the length of the spacer sleeve to ensure proper hub end float. For example, if the measurements yield a difference, deduct a standard figure to find the required spacer thickness. Remove the outer wheel bearing, pack each bearing with approved grease, and install the outer bearing, spacer sleeve, spacer ring, and inner bearing, ensuring spaces between bearings and seals are free of grease while packing the seal lips. Refit the stub axle carefully to avoid displacing bearings and seals, secure the drive flange, tighten the flanged nut to the specified torque, and fit the locking plate. Finally, reconnect the drive shaft and install the road wheel.