Disconnect the negative battery cable, ensuring to read the battery disconnection cautions beforehand. Working at the front of the engine compartment above the radiator, remove the air intake hood expansion rivets and lift off the hood. Remove the upper engine cover. Loosen the fuel tank cap. At the rear of the manifold, use a special tool to press the locking clip inside the end of the fuel line fitting to disconnect the fuel supply line from the fuel rail, then cap the fuel lines. Above the intake manifold, detach the secondary air injection check-valve solenoid vacuum lines, as well as the electrical connectors for the knock sensor, camshaft sensor, secondary air injection check-valve solenoid, engine coolant temperature sensor, alternator, coolant thermostat, and throttle housing. Remove the left and right engine wire duct mounting nuts, pry out the ignition coil cover trim caps, remove the fasteners, and lift the covers off the left and right side ignition coils. Detach the ignition coil connectors and coil grounding wires, then detach the fuel injector electrical connectors by releasing the spring clip on each injector. Lift the left side engine wire duct and fold it toward the right side of the engine, placing both electrical ducts to the right, away from the intake manifold. If necessary, disconnect the engine oil level sensor and crankshaft sensor harnesses underneath the engine. Remove the fuel rail mounting bolts, marking the intake manifold cover support brackets for reinstallation. Pull the fuel rail and fuel injectors straight up and remove them from the intake manifold, prying off the retaining clip to detach the fuel injector from the rail. Be prepared to catch any spraying or dripping fuel, and when reinstalling, ensure to replace the fuel injector sealing O-rings, coating the seals with acid-free lubricant. The remainder of the installation follows the reverse order of removal.
Posted by BMWPartsDeal Specialist