Before lifting the engine up use some time to check whether the lifting lugs are damaged or not, or whether they fit tightly. Aluminium screws and bolts must be replaced as soon as they are released. Lift the car and securely props it up, then have the engine oil drained and the under body splash shields pulled off. Lift the hood to the servicing stage and thereafter, eliminate the air filter housing. For Coupe and Convertible models, use a pry bar to pull out the cover caps that are at the left and right fender fasteners and replace the caps if damaged. Some of the fasteners can be released as necessary and also gently lift the engine upper cover upwards slightly. With the help of one of the helpers, fit the engine support in place, it is very important that there is no movement of the engine after that and there has to be enough space between the engine and the body. Loose the nuts of the engine mount and lift the engine with the aid of the engine support to about 10 mm. If necessary, on both sides, turn the steering box cover away, and, for Coupe and Convertible vehicles, turn away the front wheel housing liners. For Sedan, Sports Wagon, and Coupe models, then the bolts and reinforcement struts as for Convertibles, the V-strut must be removed on both sides. Remove the steering column from the steering rack, and remove the power steering pump. Remove the electrical connector from the vehicle ride height sensor and also you may have to remove the vacuum connection from the electric change over valve at the engine. With the assistance of an assistant place the BMW special tool on the jack and position the two special tools to the front axle carrier of the car to be supported by the jack. When lowering and raising the engine be careful with hoses and lines and do not allow them to be pinched or tensioned. Unscrew the bolts in question, and lower the front axle carrier only as much as 100mm, but before doing that, you may have to disembowel the radiator return hose pipe. For AWD models, take out the front drive axles and front differential, and for automatic transmission models isolate the transmission oil cooler hoses from the engine oil pan. On cars equipped with N52KP and N55 engines, pull off the wires in the holder, as well as the oxygen sensor electrical connectors, and remove the transmission to oil pan bolts. On models with N51, N52, and N54 motors, it is necessary to unscrew the bolts of the transmission, and it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some of them are longer than others. Remove the return hose and remove bolting in line with it, different lengths also mentioned. When installing fasteners for vehicles with automatic transmission, be very particular with the position of the fasteners since they differ in length. If so required, unscrew and pull off the oil level sensor for N51, N52, N52KP and N54 engines and as for the N55 engine, unscrew the bolts around the periphery of the oil pan and replace the oil pan gasket with a new one. When reinstalling the front axle carrier the bolt should be fitted into proper place and alternately tightened, and all aluminum and self-locking fasteners should be replaced with new ones before refilling the engine oil.
Posted by BMWPartsDeal Specialist