New timing cover gaskets and a new crankshaft front oil seal will be required on installation, with RTV sealant needed at the joint where the cover meets the cylinder head/engine block. Begin by disconnecting the cable from the negative terminal of the battery, then drain the cooling system. Remove the valve cover, drivebelts, thermostat, crankshaft pulley/damper and hub, and oil pan. Unscrew the bolts to remove the drivebelt tensioner, then hold the water pump pulley with a strap wrench to unscrew and withdraw it. Drive out the two cover dowels from the timing cover towards the rear of the engine using a pin-punch. Remove the VANOS adjustment unit for access to the timing cover-to-cylinder head bolts, then unscrew and lift the three bolts from the cylinder head, noting that one also secures the secondary timing chain guide. Unscrew the timing cover-to-engine block bolts and withdraw the cover, removing the gaskets. For installation, remove the oil seal from the timing cover and thoroughly clean the mating faces. Install a new oil seal using a large socket or block of wood, then drive the cover dowels into position so they protrude from the rear face of the cover by approximately 2.0 to 3.0 mm. Position new gaskets on the cover, securing them with a little grease, and apply RTV sealant to the cylinder head/engine block joint where the timing cover contacts the cylinder head gasket. Lift the cover into position, ensuring the gaskets stay in place and the dowels engage with the engine block, then install the cover retaining bolts and tighten them finger-tight. Drive in the cover dowels until flush with the outer face of the cover and progressively tighten the retaining bolts to the specified torque, remembering the three cylinder head-to-cover bolts. Reinstall the VANOS adjustment unit, crankshaft damper/pulley hub and damper/pulley, and complete the installation by reversing the removal steps, ensuring the drivebelt hydraulic tensioner strut is installed correctly with the TOPIOBEN arrow pointing upwards, followed by installing the drivebelts, thermostat and housing, valve cover, and oil pan. Finally, refill the cooling system.
Posted by BMWPartsDeal Specialist