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Seat Cover Front fit your 1995 BMW 530i Sedan(E34)

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1995 BMW 530i Sedan(E34)
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Diagram (1 of 1): Seat cover front
1995 BMW 530i Seat Cover Front Diagram
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Ref No.
Ref No.
Part No. & Part Description
Price & Qty.
Part No. &
Part Description
  • 01
    BMW 52102262942
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0617 GRAU
    • Production Date: From 199401
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108104843
    Seat cover, leather
    • Extra Info: 0203/0325SCHWAR
    • Production Date: Till 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $833.55 $704.63
    Add To Cart
  • 01
    BMW 52108117059
    Seat cover, leather
    • Extra Info: 0324/0329KARMES
    • Production Date: Till 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142698
    Seat cover vinyl
    • Extra Info: 0399 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142764
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0411 ANTHRAZ.91
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142765
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0412 SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142766
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0413 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142768
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0415 BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142864
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0406 ANTHRAZ.91
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142865
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0407 SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142866
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0408 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108142868
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0410 BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108143067
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU HELL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $439.95 $375.11
    Add To Cart
  • 01
    BMW 52108143068
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108143069
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 01
    BMW 52108143070
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108143071
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: ANTHRAZIT
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108143072
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108155757
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: 199109 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108161026
    Seat cover vinyl
    • Extra Info: 0477 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108161027
    Seat cover vinyl
    • Extra Info: 0478 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 01 BMW 52108161028
    Seat cover vinyl
    • Extra Info: 0479 PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $378.90 $323.07
    Add To Cart
  • 01
    BMW 52108163230
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0414 PERGAM. 92
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108163231
    Seat cover cloth
    • Extra Info: 0409 PERGAM. 92
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01
    BMW 52108165840
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: ANTHRAZIT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108165857
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $879.92 $743.83
    Add To Cart
  • 01
    BMW 52108165858
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: KARMESINROT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108165860
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: 0203 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 01
    BMW 52108165861
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 01 BMW 52108165862
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU-HELL
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $879.92 $743.83
    Add To Cart
  • 01
    BMW 52108165863
    Seat cover, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52102262940
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0617 GRAU
    • Production Date: From 199401
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02 BMW 52108104851
    Cover backrest, leather
    • Extra Info: 0203 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: Till 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
    $1015.71 $858.62
    Add To Cart
  • 02
    BMW 52108117060
    Cover backrest, leather
    • Extra Info: 0324/0329KARMES
    • Production Date: Till 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142708
    Cover backrest, imitation leather
    • Extra Info: 0399 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142782
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0411 ANTHRAZ.91
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142783
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0412 SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142784
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0413 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142786
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0415 BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02 BMW 52108142878
    Cover backrest cloth
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: 0406 ANTHRAZ.91
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 02
    BMW 52108142879
    Cover backrest cloth
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: 0407 SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142880
    Cover backrest cloth
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: 0408 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108142882
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0410 BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock Velours(A1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02 BMW 52108143073
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU HELL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 02
    BMW 52108143074
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108143075
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108143076
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108143077
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: ANTHRAZIT
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108143078
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: BRASIL
    • Production Date: 199009 - 199109
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108155758
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: 199109 - 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108161040
    Cover backrest, imitation leather
    • Extra Info: 0477 SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108161041
    Cover backrest, imitation leather
    • Extra Info: 0478 ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02 BMW 52108161042
    Cover backrest, imitation leather
    • Extra Info: 0479 PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: From 199202
    • For Vehicles With: Imitation leather(K1)
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 02
    BMW 52108163242
    Cover backrest cloth
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: 0409 PERGAM. 92
    • Production Date: From 199009
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108163245
    Cover backrest cloth
    • Extra Info: 0414 PERGAM. 92
    • Production Date: From 199203
    • For Vehicles With: Cloth flock "Diagonal"(A2)
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108165830
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: PERGAMENT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108165831
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: KARMESINROT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108165833
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SCHWARZ
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108165834
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02 BMW 52108165835
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: SILBERGRAU-HELL
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
    • Package Quantity: 1
  • 02
    BMW 52108165836
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0203/0325/0366=schwarz 0394/0451/0455=silber-grau hell 0395/0452/0456=ultramarin 0396/0453/0457=pergament 0397/0454/0458=brasil 0483 silber-grau 0394 silber-grau hell 0395 ultramarin 0396 pergament,UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BISON WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0394/0451/0455 silber-grau hell, 0395/0452/0456 ultramarin, 0396/0453/0457 pergament, 0397/0454/0458 brasil 0483 silber-grau, 0394 silber-grau hell, 0395 ultramarin, 0396 pergament
    • Extra Info: ULTRAMARIN
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
  • 02
    BMW 52108165838
    Cover backrest, leather
    • UPHOLSTERY LEATHER BUFFALO WITH HEATING ELEMENT 0180/0459 anthrazit, 0362/0460 brasil
    • Extra Info: ANTHRAZIT
    • Production Date: From 199209
    • Require Quantity: 2
Genuine BMW Parts, the Right Choice offers the wholesale prices for genuine 1995 BMW 530i Sedan(E34) parts. Parts like Seat Cover Front are shipped directly from authorized BMW dealers and backed by the manufacturer's warranty. Parts fit for the following vehicle options.