Important: The installation instructions are not included in the retrofit kit. Print out the latest installation instructions from the Aftersales Assistance Portal (ASAP) and issue to the customer. An exchange of the "Lüfterzarge mit Lüfter" and "Kühlmittelkühler / ausgelagerten Kühlmittelkühler" may be necessary. If on the picture panel in the main group 17 there is a "Lüfterzarge mit Lüfter" and "Kühlmittelkühler / ausgelagerten Kühlmittelkühler" designated to the OE trailer tow hitch, then this part number has to be ordered and installed as well. On vehicles with OE322 deactivate the Smart Opener; to do so remove aerial with wiring harness and tie back connector. Various trim panels must be replaced, refer to EPC for these. (see reference picture panel) If changing the fan, consult the picture panel in EPC for the corresponding module and power distribution box. In some engine versions it may be necessary to exchange the heat insulation.
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